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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, alias "The Best Game in World" 
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Dołączył: 4 sty 2010, o 01:01
Posty: 5
Lokalizacja: United States
Post Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, alias "The Best Game in World"
Mika napisał(a):
Heey~! Who can help me?
I can't download NoGba.. Err, sorry. I can download it, but it DOESN'T WORKS! :omg:
I'm in "Rise from the Ashes" but I've got a little mistakes in my life, and the save, emulator and games are LOST! :despair:
Who can gimme NoGba and ALL games, ple-a-se? :shy:

::D: I guess I could help, (I have all the games +No$Gba) but how would I send them (sorry for sounding like a "noob" I'm new with the whole forum thing)

10 sty 2010, o 19:16
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Dołączył: 30 sty 2009, o 23:05
Posty: 534
Post Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, alias "The Best Game in World"
Topic died?
I played ALL of the games, including Ace Attorney and Perfect Prosecutor. I'm a Wright-maniac... :kropla:
and I still think that Manfred von Karma is scary and he gives me creeps.


19 mar 2011, o 21:24
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